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My day at RAF Finningley (Robin Hood Airport) home of the Vulcan.

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The cry came out for Vulcan cleaners so as I was going to be oop norf after driving my Mum home (long story) I made contact.

I signed in at reception and was taken through and was a little bit overcome as I've not seen her since Dec 2010 in RAF Lyneham. Anyway first things first and the hunt for a pair of overalls which lasted all of a minute with the words "We don't get many in your size".  :grin:

Overall hunt aborted, a quick cuppa and then to the task. "There's the rags, there's the white spirit, spray and wipe oh and here's some steps."

Several hours later. Several drinks of water and various refreshing carbonated beverages later I had cleaned back from the APU exhaust to the back edge of the wing and one side of the undercarriage.

Yes knackered but oh so worth it.  :ashamed:

Yes some photos.

The bit I cleaned from the exhaust port backwards.


have they managed to replace the engines that blew up already?

How would one get involved in this.. love to take my dad. He'd love a day like that.

Cool , that hanger looks rather clutter free for the raf


--- Quote from: gillm on June 18, 2012, 10:45:55 pm ---Cool , that hanger looks rather clutter free for the raf

--- End quote ---

Its used for the guided tours, so thats probably why  :happy2:


--- Quote from: gillm on June 18, 2012, 10:45:55 pm ---Cool , that hanger looks rather clutter free for the raf

--- End quote ---

It's no longer a RAF hanger as it's owned by Robin Hood Airport.

--- Quote from: jedi-knight83 on June 18, 2012, 10:45:20 pm ---have they managed to replace the engines that blew up already?

How would one get involved in this.. love to take my dad. He'd love a day like that.

--- End quote ---

I'm a member of the Vulcan to the Sky Club ( and I saw a post by one of the Engineers requesting volunteers.

Engine change is well under way.


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