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My day at RAF Finningley (Robin Hood Airport) home of the Vulcan.
It's a difficult one really Robin as I wish I lived closer. :ashamed:
A unique set of circumstances meant that I was oop norf and within the realms of commutablity for Robin Hood Airport. :wink:
--- Quote from: Greeners on June 19, 2012, 10:12:25 pm --- :congrats:
Nice one matey, what better way to show your love than to polish her belly! :wink:
What happened to the engine then? :confused:
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"Someone" left a silicon bag in the engine and it was ingested as revved up for take off and blew the engine. The explosion of that engine also damaged the other engine in that wing. 2 engines in the bin.
Believe there is only 1 or 2 spare engines left in the world now?
Just a good job it went bang before it had actually taken off i guess.
It flew over me pretty low about 2 months ago in north notts (i live about 10 miles from Finningley). The noise and the smoke stick in my mind! :party:
--- Quote from: Tfsi_Mike on June 19, 2012, 09:28:59 pm ---
Great work Ian. I've been subject to the noise of low fly training of the rapid reaction squadron of Typhoons for the last week. Great to watch.
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Jammy bugger! I love the typhoons but they still cant compete with the noise of a tornado. I willbe at waddington airshow in just over a weeks time. I hope the vulcan can make it as i saw it a couple of years ago on its maiden flight and it gave me goose bumps.
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