All Things Mk5 > The Colours

Deep Blue Pearl Thread

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--- Quote from: tommy_a on April 28, 2012, 09:09:08 pm ---
also, what is hdr ?? my phone camera already has it on it but it dont know what it does !! :confused:

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In a nutshell, HDR is an image that is blended from 3 or more copies of the same image but all with different exposure settings.

There is a app called camera+ for the iPhone that is great for allsorts of effects.

If you post the original photo I will show you the HDR version that the app can do.


--- Quote from: imster on March 31, 2010, 01:28:41 am ---

--- End quote ---
off topic but does anyone know what sidelights might be in these??

not the best picture but was bored on my iphone  :signLOL:

Very nice! I had a quick play on my iPhone the other day aswell. Used instagram and colour splash! :D

looks good! still havent had much playing about with the apps yet!


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