Hooked up with a fellow MK
56 friend

A few engine mod shots:

Another night out with a mixture of cars:

I had found a boost leak, so called in to my tuners Auto-tune, fixed boost leak, it was coming from the pipe attached to the discharge pipe to the oem intercooler...
Got my boost back again:

Upgraded to these : DaveB's Vagbremtechnic AP Racing 2 piece disc set-up..

Spent a few days bedding them in, then when for a nice drive to test them out

Pulled over for a few photos

Could not ask for anything else, pedal fell is great, stopping power is awesome, absolutely no fade, fitted with DS2500 pads, got a great deal more confidence with these puppies!

Had Give the discs a painting to try and prevent any rust is the future, some hammerite paint as a type of undercoat, then some VHT high heat paint, I will see how long it lasts..

Got a new car for my Birthday, it's very Tasti

This is a before picture:



A nicer finish ! I think...

I would also like to change the bush at the bottom of the gear stick lever, as I am lead to believe, if you have any side to side slack, this can be the problem, I can only hope it will bring it back the that new car feeling again, anyone tried to do this???

I like things tight

I will upload the part number...
Give the car an Oil change, used Shell Helix ultra extra this time, as I have always used Castrol edge professional fst... I believe it has the car running better, smoother, smooth idle... Used the ECS magnetic sum-plug I had lying around for awhile now, will see on the next oil change if he has collected anything.
Changed the spark plugs

and pollen filter... All nice and fresh now... I believe Terraclean have a new machine for TFSI engines now, was going to give that a go, but would really like a before and after run on the dyno, with a scope stuck through for a before and after shot...
Is there anything else, I could use as a test, apart from taking the head of before and again after to see how effective it would be.
Would there be any logs to run for testing?
Just the other day, I seen a head of another TFSI engine with low miles on it, he was having misfire problems, when I seen the head, it was well coked up...
Would this be something that can help, apart from watermeth, to keep on top of it.???
Had anon-res pipe fitted:

At the start is was a bit louder and I was not to sure if I liked it, but I have now got used to it, the sound it great, not to boomy, sounds well on WOT. It is louder than the res pipe, felt a bit sharper too, but sound can make things seem or sound faster...

All comments welcome !