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Author Topic: Light Correction Detail - Dolomite Grey Audi TT - GTechniq C1.5!!  (Read 3339 times)

Offline RussZS

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I had been talking to this prospective customer for a while and luckily had a booking reschedule on Sunday so was able to slot this TT in at the last minute...

I collected the car bright and early on the Sunday morning and had the day (10 hours or so) to breathe some life back into the paint.

The car itself was in absolutely pristine condition for a Mk1 TT and was a real pleasure to work with.

The customer (who is a Detailing World member) wanted (and supplied) GTechniq C1.5 as the protection for this detail and requested Finish Kare 1000P on the wheels, both of which are very strong products which I'd not used for a while.

On to the detail...

A few before shots - nothing too bad, just general light road grime:

DSC07803 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07805 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07806 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07807 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07808 by RussZS, on Flickr

Wheels were dealt with first:

DSC07809 by RussZS, on Flickr

Liberally covered in Auto Smart Smart Wheels:

DSC07810 by RussZS, on Flickr

Worked with various brushes:

DSC07811 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07812 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07813 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07814 by RussZS, on Flickr

and rinsed clean:

DSC07815 by RussZS, on Flickr

IronX was then used to remove any brake dust pitting and fallout, but very little was present:

DSC07816 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07817 by RussZS, on Flickr

Next Bilt Hamber Auto Foam was used to begin breaking down the general grime present on the car ahead of making physical contact with it:

DSC07818 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07819 by RussZS, on Flickr

Next Surfex HD was used on the more intricate areas around the car:

DSC07820 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07821 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07822 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07824 by RussZS, on Flickr

Next the foam was rinsed then the car was safely hand washed with BriteMax CleanMax and CarPro Mitt:

DSC07826 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07827 by RussZS, on Flickr

Then rinsed again:

DSC07829 by RussZS, on Flickr

This was followed up by the decontamination routine of IronX, Tardis and Clay:

DSC07830 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07831 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07832 by RussZS, on Flickr

Whilst the car was being clayed, I began drying parts of the car with my 'blower':

DSC07834 by RussZS, on Flickr

Next we turned our attention to the paintwork.

Despite the car looking incredible already, under lighting it was very apparent that the car was littered in swirl marks along with some deeper scratches in places.

After assessing the thickness of the paint to look for signs of resprayed panels or areas where paint thickness was low, we began assessing combinations to use.  The paint was very hard indeed, and required Meguiars 101 via Polishing Pad and Rotary, followed up with Megs 205 and black Lake Country Finishing Pad to refine.

Some of the defect and correction shots:

DSC07836 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07837 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC07843 by RussZS, on Flickr


DSC07851 by RussZS, on Flickr

The flake in the paint was incredible under lighting!

DSC07845 by RussZS, on Flickr

50/50 showing the amount of colour and gloss restored from the correction process:

DSC07853 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07855 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07859 by RussZS, on Flickr

The rear lights were also machined to remove the swirling:

DSC07870 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07873 by RussZS, on Flickr

Ahead of applying GTechniq's excellent C1.5 Silo Seal, CarPro Eraser was used to ensure the polishing stages hadn't filled any of the defects and to also remove any polishing oils which may affect Silo Seal's ability to bond to the bare paint.

DSC07876 by RussZS, on Flickr

Still looking good:

DSC07880 by RussZS, on Flickr

2 layers of C1.5 were applied, with 10 minutes between them.  It was applied to all exterior surfaces:

DSC07883 by RussZS, on Flickr

The wheels were treated to Finish Kare 1000P and Auto Finesse's excellent new Satin tyre dressing!

DSC07884 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07886 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07887 by RussZS, on Flickr

Finally, some afters.  The Sun kindly went in just as I finished up, so a mixture of final shots:

DSC07888 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07889 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07890 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07891 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07894 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07896 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07899 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07903 by RussZS, on Flickr

Outside in the grey skies:

DSC07905 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07906 by RussZS, on Flickr

and a few Tesco shots:

DSC07911 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07913 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07918 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07922 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC07927 by RussZS, on Flickr

An extremely enjoyable detail for me and a pleasure to work on!!

Thanks for reading:

DSC07919 by RussZS, on Flickr

Russ. -

I used to be indecisive.......... but now I'm not so sure!

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Re: Light Correction Detail - Dolomite Grey Audi TT - GTechniq C1.5!!
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2012, 08:37:17 pm »
They look better with age, the old TT.  :notworthy: