Because of my recent accident, I won't be modding for a while, as I'm self-employed with no money coming in for 3 months. I'm dropping my pride and going on housing benefit to pay the mortgage for the next 3 months, but I guess that's what it's there for; to help people in time of trouble, not just keep a roof over the heads of dossers who can't be arsed to get a job. After all, I've paid tax and NI all my life.
So, I reckon I'll be staying where I am at Stage 1 until April 2013. I'm thrilled with the car as it is anyyway, with 253bhp & 295 torques, it's no slouch, and I love the look of it at the moment.
However, I'll be back on the slippery slope ASAP, and here's what I'm planning:
April - August 2013
Brand new APR Fuel Pump
BCS Powervalve Prestige full TBE system
REVO Stage 2 by Storm Developments
Brake upgrade NQSBBK
Eibach springs
Bilstein shocks
Gloss Black wing mirrors to match gloss black trim on door pillars
Possibly Gloss black roof?
I'd love to know what you think of my mods, in particular the roof!
Anyway, here's one little mod I did: Getting my brilliant tuners Storm Developments on the car. It's in black so it goes with the black and laser blue colour scheme, and quite subtle I think.