Right chaps I need some advice on a situation that arose on Saturday night.
I had my mate and his wife around for beers and a takeaway on Saturday. He had brought an 8 pack of carlsberg. (for starters

) When he handed me the case he said, "listen, I think there is a bottle opener inside on of the bottles". You could hear it rattling about. While I was putting the beer in the fridge I never looked at the bottle but I did check the packaging and there was nothing about any promotion....
Later in the night when he got to this bottle, after he had drank it a piece of metal fell out. On closer examination it was about 75mm long and 10mm wide, hollow, and had a black rubber collar and an o ring at the opposite end, it was also stepped in a few places. Not unlike a head phone jack plug. It is stainless steel.
It is clearly part of a machine.
I have a pic on my I phone but can't get the image onto here.
I emailed carlsberg who are keen to get it back and do an investigation but, I'm afraid if I send it away my bargaining chip for free beer forever will be gone forever!

If anybody could upload the image I can email them it.
What should I do next?