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Author Topic: Cold Starts  (Read 108259 times)

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Re: Cold Starts
« Reply #45 on: February 02, 2009, 08:30:59 pm »
This is probably not helpful at all to those who are experiencing this issue... but my '07 Edition 30 always starts instantly, sometimes having been stood for a week or more. I'm posting this response simply to highlight that this clearly doesn't affect all such vehicles and as others have said it does seem odd that there's seemingly no rhyme nor reason to it.

Sorry... no gloating intended!javascript:void(0);


x2, mine is fine too

Offline NB07

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Re: Cold Starts
« Reply #46 on: March 08, 2009, 08:21:48 pm »
mine starts instantly always as well BUT it makes some horrible ticking over noise in the mornings, was thinking its the timing belt or something but im not sure anyone else get this??
Black Edition 30 DSG - Gone but not forgotten!

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Re: Cold Starts
« Reply #47 on: May 15, 2009, 11:40:39 am »
just to update i left mine for a bit as there was no problems once i got going and didnt affect the drive, but got it sorted now under warrenty   was the cam belt so any other people with similar things should get the car booked in or it could be painful.. cams arnt meant to go at 20 odd k! thanks to mr gary  for the knowledge! i had a few people look at it and he was the only person who knew from the noise not even the tech at vw believed it! nice one geezer  :happy2:
Black Edition 30 DSG - Gone but not forgotten!

Offline Teutonic_Tamer

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Re: Cold Starts
« Reply #48 on: August 13, 2009, 04:40:22 pm »
Just to try and clarify why some seem to be fine and start nigh-on instantly, and others longer - it is simply down to the actual pressure in the fuel rail.  Just like when you blow up a baloon (and therefore pressurise the air inside), and then leave it - some baloons seem to stay inflated for ages, and others can seem as limp as a wet lettuce after a few days - well maybe the internal seals within the high-pressure side of the fuel system might be leaking everso slightly on those cars which are difficult in starting!
Sean - Independant Automotive Engineering Technician (ret'd)
07 Golf5 GTI 5dr (BWA), DSG, colour coded, Revo, WALK, WL ARBs, 235 PS2s, seat drawers, OEM tints, custom/hybrid engine mounts, Audi-esque soundproofing

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Offline mortygttdi

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Re: Cold Starts
« Reply #49 on: November 02, 2010, 11:24:08 pm »
Just like to say that I went into get the battery changed by vw and apparently on my 2.0 BKD pd diesel its the biggest heavy duty battery they do and i still find it does struggle to start some times. It's  deffo nothing to do with the battery has TT says.


Offline TrickGTI

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Re: Cold Starts
« Reply #50 on: January 21, 2011, 08:07:07 pm »
Just to try and clarify why some seem to be fine and start nigh-on instantly, and others longer - it is simply down to the actual pressure in the fuel rail.  Just like when you blow up a baloon (and therefore pressurise the air inside), and then leave it - some baloons seem to stay inflated for ages, and others can seem as limp as a wet lettuce after a few days - well maybe the internal seals within the high-pressure side of the fuel system might be leaking everso slightly on those cars which are difficult in starting!

I don't know if anyone else has noticed but if I leave my car for 5 mins after turning it off it sounds like my car is crying it makes a weeping noise every 30 seconds or so I'm 100% sure this is fuel leaking back as it's comeing from the inlet manifold area and it only does the poor starting wether it's cold or not 1st start in the morning so giveing it enough time to leak enough back to just not catch te first time....
2006 Tornado red GTI

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Re: Cold Starts
« Reply #51 on: March 05, 2011, 03:01:01 pm »
Ah I've only had my 07 gti does seen to struggle on first start up ?unlike my old 1.9gttdi fired up with no probs, but it's new to me and I thought it was coz it's a petrol and big engine...!!

Offline Frenzy

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Re: Cold Starts
« Reply #52 on: July 26, 2011, 07:48:28 pm »
Just to chip in with something which may be useful for the manual owners is that in the instruction booklet (what the hell is that i hear you ask  :grin:) it recommends you start the engine in the way TT describes plus as you turn the key to start the engine fully depress the clutch pedal

I've followed this method for start up from both cold and warm and no problems so far *touches wood*  :happy2:

I really am trying to exercise 'car sympathy' with this motor  :jumpmove:

Offline KC_Gti

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Re: Cold Starts
« Reply #53 on: October 27, 2011, 01:54:31 pm »
Just to bring up a old post. I have exact same problem with my 08 reg Normal GTi (24k miles), especially now the weather has gotten a bit colder. Every morning I start the car, although it starts first time, It hesistates, almost as if its going to fail and then fires up. I've got the Liquid Golf Gauge installed and that has not revelaed any fault codes. The car has also been dyno'd at Awesome GTi who has said the car is in healthy condition. When speaking to a staff at Awesome, they recommended checking the battery?

Is it worth leaving the car with the garage to have this problem investigated or is this a common characteristics of FSI engines?

Offline sundance

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Re: Cold Starts
« Reply #54 on: December 08, 2011, 02:42:09 pm »
I have exact same problem with my 08 reg Normal GTi (24k miles), especially now the weather has gotten a bit colder. Every morning I start the car, although it starts first time, It hesistates, almost as if its going to fail and then fires up.

Mate, I've got the exact same "issue" with my 2006/06 GTI - I noticed it this morning and panicked a little bit.  However, with so many other owners reporting seeing the same behaviour it sounds like a 'characteristic' rather than an indication of a more serious underlying problem... 

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Re: Cold Starts
« Reply #55 on: January 23, 2012, 10:51:45 am »
VCDS - Adaptations * Coding * Diagnostics PM Me
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Offline john87

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Re: Cold Starts
« Reply #56 on: January 24, 2012, 12:20:28 pm »

My conclusion to this problem was that the GTI's engine has no way of priming like most petrol engines do, since the high pressure fuel pump is driven by the engine. Therefore, cold starts are basically priming the engine as you turn the starter motor, or at least that is my understanding!

It doesn't explain why some people experience no such issue though  :fighting:


p.s. it would be interesting to see whether there is a link between those who don't hear the in-tank pump prime when the drivers' door is opened, and those who have cold-start issues...
« Last Edit: February 01, 2012, 10:12:00 pm by john87 »
VCDS Hex-USB +CAN (Central Scotland)

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Re: Cold Starts
« Reply #57 on: February 03, 2012, 09:47:46 am »
Just like to say that I went into get the battery changed by vw and apparently on my 2.0 BKD pd diesel its the biggest heavy duty battery they do
Me thinks the VW stealer has been bullsh!tting you . . . what is the spec on the battery they fitted?

Because below is the 'biggest heavy duty battery' which VW do (that is a monster 110Ah 850A DIN CCA beast):

and i still find it does struggle to start some times. It's  deffo nothing to do with the battery has TT says.
In what way does it struggle to start?
Sean - Independant Automotive Engineering Technician (ret'd)
07 Golf5 GTI 5dr (BWA), DSG, colour coded, Revo, WALK, WL ARBs, 235 PS2s, seat drawers, OEM tints, custom/hybrid engine mounts, Audi-esque soundproofing

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Re: Cold Starts
« Reply #58 on: February 03, 2012, 09:51:10 am »
I'm guessing they mean that the starter is turning over just fine, but the engine isn't firing up as quick as it should... i.e. a fuel problem rather than a battery problem.
VCDS Hex-USB +CAN (Central Scotland)

Offline Teutonic_Tamer

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  • GreasedMonkey - HoofHearted - GTI now mod'ed!
Re: Cold Starts
« Reply #59 on: February 03, 2012, 09:57:09 am »
Just to try and clarify why some seem to be fine and start nigh-on instantly, and others longer - it is simply down to the actual pressure in the fuel rail.  Just like when you blow up a baloon (and therefore pressurise the air inside), and then leave it - some baloons seem to stay inflated for ages, and others can seem as limp as a wet lettuce after a few days - well maybe the internal seals within the high-pressure side of the fuel system might be leaking everso slightly on those cars which are difficult in starting!

I don't know if anyone else has noticed but if I leave my car for 5 mins after turning it off it sounds like my car is crying it makes a weeping noise every 30 seconds or so I'm 100% sure this is fuel leaking back as it's comeing from the inlet manifold area and it only does the poor starting wether it's cold or not 1st start in the morning so giveing it enough time to leak enough back to just not catch te first time....
That noise could be a number of things: there is an after-run electric coolant pump which is mounted low down at the front of the engine near the oil filter, it could be the electronic throttle valve, or it could be the motor for the inlet manifold tumble flaps, or even the purge valve for the evap canister.  It is highly unlikely you will hear fuel leaking (bearing in mind the pressure in the fuel rail).

Don't forget that modern cars can take as long as 90 minutes (or even longer) to go to 'sleep' after locking the car - you can often hear relays clicking and servo motors adjusting during this time.
Sean - Independant Automotive Engineering Technician (ret'd)
07 Golf5 GTI 5dr (BWA), DSG, colour coded, Revo, WALK, WL ARBs, 235 PS2s, seat drawers, OEM tints, custom/hybrid engine mounts, Audi-esque soundproofing

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