Thought i'd stick up an upto date build thread of my Golf :)
I bought the car back in August 2011 (cant believe its almost a year already) and since then ive done a fair amount to it although having a baby back in november put the brakes on the progress a bit.
I bought the car as a bog standard 1.9TDI 'S' which is basically the lowest spec in the range which at the time i didnt realise so have since started to change that.
Heres the car when i bought it with 68k on the clock, one owner from new and the cleanest one by far out of the 37 i went to view.

I then got some free Audi A3 S-line wheels in need of TLC:

I then had them powdercoated metalic black:

Next up came a GTI Bumper with chrome Jetta upper grill and lower GT Sport grills:

After that came a GTI exhaust and rear bumper and Mk6 tailgate handle/badge to get rid of whiteworm:

I then had the chrome grill painted black to tie in with the wheels although its not the best fit on the Golf bumper so will be replaced soon:

Seen a standard Golf so had to get a pic:

Next up i had the handles and bumpstrips colourcoded and GTI Sideskirts:

This brings us up to this week...
Removed old interior and gave it a thorough hoover and Febreeze:

Replaced with R32 cloth interior (not a big fan of leather after having it in my Polo and all the creases etc make it look tacky in my opinion:

Also fitted a new headunit, looks crap compared to the original but it has bluetooth connectivity, iphone connectivity and built in handsfree, function over form :)

I also fitted some R32 Rear lights:

Today i had the car remapped by AwesomeGTI at an estimated 150bhp, makes a massive difference from the standard 105bhp, also keeps up with my mates 06 Astra 2.0turbo SRI 200+ now :)
So a run down of whats been done:
GTI bumper w/ Jetta grill and GT Sport lower grills
18" Audi A3 S-Line wheels with 225/45/18 tyres
MK6 Tailgate handle/badge
Debadged 'Golf' badge
R32 interior
R32 rear lights
Colourcoded handles/bumpstrips
GTI Rear bumper
GTI Exhaust
GTI Sideskirts
Osram nightbreaker bulbs
Sony MEXBT3700U headunit
Remap by AwesomeGTI to 150ish bhp
Future plans in no particular order:
Lows (first up!)
GTI Grills
New wheels (bought some 19" Audi Speedlines but they were too big in my opinion i prefer 18s so sold them)
R32 rear bumper and Miltek
Hybrid turbo conversion and new map to suit and a few other engine bits
Colourcode sideskirts
LED Interior bulbs and sidelight and reg plate bulbs
R32 Xenons or those Hella replica versions.
Any other suggestions or comments or criticisms welcome and appreciated, also wheel ideas would be nice :)