Well the car was serviced today at vw chiswick and they managed not to wash it as requested however my specific request for fully synthetic oil fell on death ears and they replaced the fully synth oil it had in it from the last service on wich it has only done about 2.5k miles with semi synth oil.
When I brought this up the service guy, who was on the whole a pleasant and helpful chap started quoting straight from the handbook stating it got semi synth because that's what hq say should be used for T&D services. I pressed the point politely so they got the manager who wasn't aware that fully synth could be used for T&D service but would need to check with Finance to authorise it for my vehicle. She'll contact me tomorrow.
Hopefully I get the news tomorrow that I'm hoping for and should. However in the event they choose to be a holes, how do I argue this one successfully? The car has always had fully synth for service oil changes and the service book denotes this.
Advice much appreciated