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Author Topic: can somone explain lense filters to me please  (Read 1799 times)

Offline JackG

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can somone explain lense filters to me please
« on: June 29, 2012, 08:21:01 pm »
Please help me  :ashamed:

I've got a cannon 600 D (I think that's what it is)
And im after done filters for it, it's on the standard lense that came with it, I'd like to know what a UV filter is and a polarising filter?
And the best place to get them from....looked in jessops but seemed costly for not much choice, if I buy some filters will they work with a new lense im planning to buy? Im a complete amateur with these things  :signLOL:
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Re: can somone explain lense filters to me please
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2012, 06:07:41 pm »

Your UV Filter are clear filters, and as I understand it (get one) absorb the UV light and also help protect your lens from dust and damage.

Your Polarizing Filter is helpful in reducing reflections in surfaces, water and glass are the 2 main ones I can think off and also darkens sky shots IMO, giving greater definition with clouds.

Skylight Filters (get one as well) are a pinky colour (I think without looking) and counter the blue of the sky. The Pink in the filter along with the blue generally gives a "warmer" looking pic.

ND (Neutral density) Filter is a great filter, my favourite, and comes in different strengths. Hard to explain but a must have, I play around with a 2 and a 8, great with running water effects (the 8, longer exposures).This explains ND Filters way better than me:-

Then colour filters etc

Try an Orange Filter for Black and White pics, not really done a lot of B&W photography but it works apparently.

More knowledgeable peeps will correct this I hope if I'm wrong
Happy snapping  :drinking:

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Re: can somone explain lense filters to me please
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2012, 06:13:54 pm »
Oh and Ebays a good place to pick up a decent filter, bought some from there myself. Personnal preference, I use HOYA but any will do, get some cheap and play around. Can also get all the filters from Jessops and any good camera shop.
Filter sizes are measured in mm and I think your is 58mm, just check first though!

Cheers, Martin


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Re: can somone explain lense filters to me please
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2012, 11:42:28 am »
Thanks Martin  :congrats: I'll see if I can find a kit then that has a variety of filters in it, if I was to change the glass at some point for something better would the lenses filters still fit? From doing a bit if research the dimensions change on the lenses?
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Re: can somone explain lense filters to me please
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2012, 03:03:49 pm »
You can buy adapters for the filters to fit different sized lenses, saves buying more filters. eBay again is a good place to look!!

For example, my 50mm portrait lens has a 49mm diameter, where as my 75mm-300mm lens has a 55mm diameter, so I have something similar to this (not this one though, tiss just an example)


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