Looks like another great start to the week for me. 2 weeks ago an old lady (80-85 years old)hit my nearside wing mirror. i made sure she was aware of what she done and as it was just a scuff I decided not to take it any further and sort out the damage my self.
The universe being the way it is decided to punish me this morning. I was driving down a country lane on the outskirts of st Albans and was clipped by an erractic driver, she didnt stop and sped off. The country lane was too narrow for me to perform a u-turn. Sods law it's the drivers side too!

do you think I will get away with a new indicator?
also should I wait for the driver tomorow morning? I don't know where I stand with this as she could just deny it or say that I was the one that hit her even though that's not true.