Grrr, they had my old car for development, Peugeot 106 GTI

(it was 7-8 years ago)
I drove up there for the day and waited around while they made the exhaust, all was ok untill the
next day when my CAT broke,
They had either welded or shattered the cat when taking of the old exhaust.
I was abit annoyed at the time as i had spent afair bit on the car and it was due to be on a car stand
at trax but the car was undrivable,
To be honest after kicking a fuss up on a Peugeot forum Milltek were very good and the 2 md's drove down personally with a new cat, shows how forums can work in your favour,
Heres the old best, it had a set of dual tailpipes like R.Robins -