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aftermarket air intake

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im running the dbilas too ..

didn't think it was too loud, not too noticeable at low speeds but a nice tone produced when throttling it, lower the windows though and you can hear the air getting sucked in, sounds good especially when going through a tunnel

Looks so much tidier with an engine cover imo, even if without the central strip.


Got the Evoms Intake fitted today, was'nt to bad a job, apart from the battle with the turbo inlet pipe clamp.

Sound wise it's not as dramatic a difference as previous write ups on the intake have mentioned.

You can definately make out the sucking noise as the car accelerates and the occasional pfttttt, its like the cars alive and breathing.

Pick-up wise again not sure I noticed any major difference, I took it for a bit of a spin and then checked that all was tight and fixed down, lost a 25mm torx head in my engine somewhere and I can hear the fecker ratting about.  Hope it falls out soon.

No warning lights, no adverse effects, some new sounds to listen to, and another mod added so im happy.

Added my site stickers as well.

So what intake would people recommend for the GTI DSG? I have heard a few people mention that the DSG doesnt take well to aftermarket intakes?


--- Quote from: maxwell on January 25, 2009, 08:02:22 am ---So what intake would people recommend for the GTI DSG? I have heard a few people mention that the DSG doesnt take well to aftermarket intakes?

--- End quote ---

difficult to suggest which one to recommend as they are all pretty similar, i went for dbilas as it draws air from the same place as the oem one does and not from inside the engine like the vf or evoms which will be hotter air, whether this has any benefit at all it is hard to tell though it may become more apparent when or if we get a summer, as heat soak can be an issue.

as for any problems been running mine for 1500 miles now and no problems encountered with the dsg box and surprisingly my mpg seems to have improved so cant complain.

 what problems have you heard?


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