General > Photography Section

A few photos --took of my car at a local meet

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I'm starting to think both your car and GazBut's would look better with 19" Ultraleggeras  :innocent:

.....what? you want to swap Andy?

hmmm I'll have a think about it mate.  :ashamed:

Some good shots Andy, car sits proudly on the CK's  :smiley:



--- Quote from: TANNER on September 03, 2012, 10:20:21 pm ---Impressive quality for a local meet! Some nice varied machinery, what area are you from?!

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From Richmond North Yorkshire :happy2:


--- Quote from: monte on September 03, 2012, 10:59:15 pm ---I'm starting to think both your car and GazBut's would look better with 19" Ultraleggeras  :innocent:

.....what? you want to swap Andy?

hmmm I'll have a think about it mate.  :ashamed:

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--- Quote from: rdfcpete on September 03, 2012, 11:01:50 pm ---Some good shots Andy, car sits proudly on the CK's  :smiley:


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Cheers Pete

nice car there mate what camera you using


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