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My recentish trip to Spain

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--- Quote from: RedRobin on July 06, 2012, 04:30:29 pm ---^^^^
Perhaps it's not because I'm 65yo that I have to ask you what day is it today?  :grin: No regrets though! I'd still enjoy it all now but my lifestyle is different. Jack Daniels and a joint.

Going back to your pics, I particularly enjoyed that one of a Green Wing Macaw. I used to keep a couple of Blue & Yellow's free flight. Amazing birds in so many respects and I have looked after and handled many Green Wings which, although much bigger, are especially gentle (unless they are mistreated of course). The large Macaws are extremely adaptable.

Did you have any contact/feeding with that Green Wing?

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Epic JD and joint response and picture haha man your making my day of writing a dissertation that much better haha. I did not feed the thing...I just kinda, looked at it, and turned to my gf and said "look, a bird" haha. Im not a bird guy myself, they are cool but I don't know much about them! The fact that it was sitting on the barrel just relaxing made me laugh though, and I thought man what a good snap this would be.  They are pretty wicked looking birds.


--- Quote from: baggedmk5 on July 06, 2012, 04:56:32 pm ---
Epic JD and joint response and picture haha man your making my day of writing a dissertation that much better haha. I did not feed the thing...I just kinda, looked at it, and turned to my gf and said "look, a bird" haha. Im not a bird guy myself, they are cool but I don't know much about them! The fact that it was sitting on the barrel just relaxing made me laugh though, and I thought man what a good snap this would be.  They are pretty wicked looking birds.

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....Knowing Macaw parrots as I do (and doubtless being still under the influence of naughty substances I last took over 20 years ago), I am sure that the birdy looked at you and thought: "Look, a human... and there's his missus".

Those Catholic ceremonies are pretty scary when they mask up like that. Great photo, great composition - A strong shot  :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:

Your right, in the day, the ceremonies are no that eerie. But at night, they send a chill or two. Had a lot of friends ask me if they were KKK members.....I told those friends that they are idiots (but I see where they are coming from haha, not their fault they have never left the UK and experienced culture)

You are so right about experiencing other and very different cultures  :happy2:

I'm mixed blood and have lived abroad anyway and I have been very lucky and very privileged in my travels. Experiencing other cultures (even without travelling) breeds nothing but tolerance and respect and that is what helps to bring peace amongst us.

I have made sure that my daughter (recently 21yo) has travelled as much as possible. In the last 18 months she has been to New York, Poland, Paris twice, Milan, and is off to Italy in August. I have taken her to visit my Native American friends across the pond and on road trips with me in the GTI (I'm happily divorced).

Hope you don't mind me posting a couple of our travel pics (not in Spain though) in your thread - I'll remove them if you prefer:

^ Lake Garda, Italy.

^ Somewhere in Europe! We had no set itinery or date for our return - We took each day as it came.


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