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York meet ??.

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Gene Hunt:
As there are a few of us on here from the yorkshire area any one up for a meet ?.I thought about the flying legends pub on the York ringroad as it's dead easy to get to,good food & a big car park.How about sometime in June ?.Cheer's guys. :smiley:

Great idea :happy2:

June maybe a no-no for me.

The other half is already getting tetchy about the number of meets and shows I'm going to and have just been to.

June is busy. Already have a local meet on the 3rd, the RR day on the 6th, another show on the 21st and then GTI inters on the 27th and 28th. :laugh:

And for me a holiday between it all to fit in with the missis. :rolleye:

Gene Hunt:
Ok mate no problem.I will have a look at my work roster as i work for the M.O.D on shifts & have to do some saturdays & sundays so will see when i'm free & post some later dates. :smiley:

I would be in the area on the Monday and Tuesday (29th and 30th) after GTI Inters as I will be visiting my mum.

were already trying to plan a yorkshire meet, theres a post somewhere, was looking at having it at castleford, xscape..

but june isnt a good month for me, and with meet on 6th anyways, were looking at having it 2nd weekend in july..  :smiley:


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