Thought I would share my complete incompetence with you all.
Driving into work yesterday and the Oil warning lamp went on. Never been on before on any car I have owned. Continued driving and luckily the mechanic I go to was close by. First time I have been to him since purchasing the car this time last year. Up comes the hood and out comes the dipstick (sounds kinky but you know what I mean). Absolutely empty! Gulp
He filled it up for free with about 2.5 litres. Wasn't until I started to read up on this that I realised I narrowly averted total engine melt down, or should I say seizure. I still realise that damage could have been done but not worth worrying about now. Learnt my lesson and checking oil levels once a week from now on

Oddly the enough the car is running better than ever but no excuse for my lax attitude to regularly checking the car.
As a matter of interest there is a debate as to whether the warning lamp as it is called in the handbook is to actually warn you when levels are low and you need to top up quick or that the damage has already been done. Your opinions and no scare mongering as other people with no knowledge on the subject seem to do.