General > Track Days
Anglesey - 22/07/12 - dual circuit format
And a vid chasing Neil in the clutter.
Can this be booked online and if not will they be open tommorow to ring up and book? Cheers chaps. :happy2:
Top Cat:
I think you can book on line if you follow the link on the first page posted by Danza then scan down to the bottom of the page and it says view full site. click that and you can see were you register and book. :wink:
Cheers TC, I have just tried that. However it says I'm already registered and have had my password resent but can't remember what username I used! :rolleye:
Top Cat:
:grin: I am pretty sure if you ring up tomorrow they should answer, this type of business, has to be able to take bookings at anytime or they dont fill the days. When i rang up it sounded like a lady in a house somewhere. :happy2:
also Mr Danza will see this tomorrow and should be able to sort it for you. :happy2:
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