General > Track Days

Anglesey - 22/07/12 - dual circuit format

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You could use a Brillo pad if that sounds like too much work?

Don't you dare turn into one of those people who cling films and blue masking tapes their car up. Chapman would be turning in his grave!

Top Cat:
Dont be silly.  :fighting2:  The car was covered in scratches from the previous owners visits to Romanian car wash facilities, so it needed a polish. I bought this car for track hooning and thats what it gets. Still needs washing though. I am sure Mr Chapman wouldn't begrudge me the occasional hose down.  :wink:

True, dirt is weight!

Nah, whilst I don't get the whole detailing thing, I do like a nice presentable car. If mine gets a break from being in BMW, I'd like Nath to remove the swirls they keep piling up every time they wash it with the yardbrush. I just can't be bothered with that last 10% which seems to take over people's lives.

Great day yesterday! Ive got wind burn too mike!

Finally a track day that working offshore didn't prevent me from attending!! what a day, great meeting everyone again, Anglsey was very kind to me and nothing major to report.  The Milltek R is mighty and simply couldn't be matched.  Finally got to see TC on track as mentioned :)

Although I have straight line speed, standard suspension and only R32 front brakes lets the car down slightly but it's still more than capable of scalping quite a lot.  Any further money will be spent on my R-TEK track project though :)



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