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Which Exhaust system have you chosen for your car?

APR RSC turboback
2 (2.7%)
Milltek Turboback (Non res)
20 (27.4%)
Milltek Turboback (Res)
5 (6.8%)
BCS non valvetronic Turboback
4 (5.5%)
BCS valvetronic Turboback
4 (5.5%)
Blueflame turboback
7 (9.6%)
Downpipe only with cat
0 (0%)
Downpipe only catless
1 (1.4%)
23 (31.5%)
6 (8.2%)
VWR racing Turboback
1 (1.4%)
Piperwerx turboback
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 71

Author Topic: Which exhaust system do you have on your car?  (Read 7892 times)


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Re: Which exhaust system do you have on your car?
« Reply #30 on: July 11, 2012, 01:53:18 am »
Stock with Pre Cat removed.

I had a PipeWerx Decat DP to standard which was awesome TBH but I got a bit jittery with the whole 'not road legal' thing and took it off.

I then bought a Milltek TBE/CAT/DECAT/RES/NON RES off Mike but I wasn't happy with the tailpipes and I wasn't happy with Alex at AKS having to weld the DP flange due to its shockingly bad welding.

For the price they sell those systems for the welding is disgraceful on the DP. As an Engineer I feel I can make that comment justifiably!

I hope they are better now. At least if you bought it new it is guaranteed for life I believe, its a good job.

I probably will be going BCS with a the tailpipes similar to Steve P's custom Milltek raw finish pipes (sorry for copying Steve but take it as a compliment). All that chrome does nothing for me and as soon as I saw his system I knew it was just what I wanted.

Take that pre cat out of the stock DP and it makes a lovely sound with DSG. The Decat was mental though on changes, bang bang bang :driver:

Offline RedRobin

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Re: Which exhaust system do you have on your car?
« Reply #31 on: July 11, 2012, 09:06:30 am »

Stock with Pre Cat removed.

I had a PipeWerx Decat DP to standard which was awesome TBH but I got a bit jittery with the whole 'not road legal' thing and took it off.

Take that pre cat out of the stock DP and it makes a lovely sound with DSG. The Decat was mental though on changes, bang bang bang :driver:

....The Police are equipping themselves for measuring exhaust noise levels and AFAIK they are rolling it through the counties and are keen to use it. Plus when you link it with the Police knowing that a decat fails MOT, you are right to feel a bit jittery.

I don't know the procedure but guess that you'd get an official notice when stopped to quieten your exhaust or risk a fine and probably points.

It's the boy-racers they are after but I got followed over 10 miles by an unmarked car once who gave me a warning about speeding (only in 60 mph areas) and he told me that the reason I first attracted his attention was my loud exhaust (Milltek custom on full throttle up a steep hill). He had no problem with my exhaust at all.

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