So I pays my money to chosen big company - AMD,Revo,GIAC etc. Does the dealer just plug your car in and flash a new generic map in, so mk5 GTI stage 1 map is same as 10'000 other cars mapped around the country\Europe......sorry my question mark key is bust......been pressing it like a lunatic...

Does going to say PDT or Shark (or AKS maybe) - do you guys do a 'bespoke' map - so the calibration is specific to the vehicle.
Then I read a comment from Stevo at Statllers saying he loves to tune cars...I think they offer GIAC and REVO....question.....but does their knowledge allow them to develop their own custom maps....Q
I am AMD St1 and reasonably happy but there is always the hankering for more (and a linear pedal)....AMD want £120 for linear. I also think my cold start running could be smoother.
I am liking the sound of Statllers as I am local enough (Retford).
Worms - can - opened