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Farnborough Airshow 2012

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Awesome pics Ian. Makes me wish I had gone now :laugh:. Was very quiet over my neck of the woods yesterday for some reason. They must have headed South instead yesterday. Today should be a better day with the sun out.


The Osprey is nuts  :laugh:  Think Id be reluctant to get on one in Afghan  :scared: lol


--- Quote from: RedRobin on July 15, 2012, 08:37:52 am ---^^^^
And here was I, wishing I still had my Dinky Toy Vulcan so I could give it to you. I remember I definitely had a Meteor.

So, how/when did you first become interested in the Vulcan? - Was it seeing one as a boy in short trousers with mum?

--- End quote ---

Don't rightly know Robin. I remember seeing them as a kid as they were based in Lincolnshire.

More recently because of a print my mum brought me home from a chap called Martin Bromley where she worked and also a model.

Subsequently I went to Dunsfold in 2008 to see the Vulcan fly, joined the VTTS and that was it.

Small model here.

 :congrats: :notworthy:


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