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Farnborough Airshow 2012

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Some brilliant photos. Surprised that Airbus replaced Malaysian's A380 with MSN009 for the aerial displays.


^ I had to double-take to make sure it wasn't an aircraft! Brilliant, Ian! And very nice photo  :notworthy:

Was the Vulcan made as a Dinky Toy? I seem to remember having one as a youngster.

Thanks for the kind comments guys.  :love:

Not sure about Dinky Robin but they are still made today. I have a couple in 1/44th scale as they made an XH558 special edition plus my mum used to get them when she worked at British Aerospace.  :happy2:

And here was I, wishing I still had my Dinky Toy Vulcan so I could give it to you. I remember I definitely had a Meteor.

So, how/when did you first become interested in the Vulcan? - Was it seeing one as a boy in short trousers with mum?


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