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VAG Trackday @ Castle Combe

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Not many from me due to weather and being broken after Farnborough Airshow.  :sad1:


^ Golf R on Monza's - That not only looks weird but particularly considering the heavier weight of Monza's.


--- Quote from: RedRobin on July 15, 2012, 12:09:42 pm ---

^ Golf R on Monza's - That not only looks weird but particularly considering the heavier weight of Monza's.

--- End quote ---

I think they were on the car as they had road tyres on which were far more suited to the moist conditions!

Great pics as always Tiger, loved the banter on FB with Jim and Keith!  :laugh:

Jim was nailing it every lap, impressive stuff. Would have liked to see him and Shaun go out together as he was also fully committed!  :scared: :notworthy: :driver:

Greeners were you there in the afternoon when it had fully dried out pal? Let's just say there was some lapping being done then once the semi slicks were on and the best part was when I went past the apr rocco then had Keith a bit in front. I caught him up and was about to have a go when the chequered flag come up! Keith came over to me, shook my hand and said that's bloody quick lol and that he kept looking at me in the rear view mirror gaining on him and lost concentration ha! :happy2: the afternoon was really good though really enjoyed it on the dry track. I have a few vids once Steve has a bit of time to sort them for me, as my card kept filling up so he kindly put them on his laptop for me.  :happy2:


Shaun Yhpm

Sounds like wicked fun


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