I bought a dash cam on a recent group buy on briskoda, it's a Blackvue DR380G HD, to be honest, I had never felt the need to have one, but after looking at reviews and video's uploaded from the same type, I just got it,

The kit comes with the camera, mount, 12v cigarette lighter cable, AV in and out cables, 8GB micro SD card, and all the info you need to fit it, I have a few bits organised to mount a new cigarette socket behind the dash to power it, was going to cut off the plug, and wire it directly into the car, but it would be easier to wire it into a socket so it can be moved from car to car if needed,
Really impressed with it, it has GPS so it displays your GPS speed and your location on google maps when you have the video's on playback, I don't really have a whole lot of use for it in reality, I don't do track days, but with all the lunatic's on the road, it may pay for itself someday!!

Here it is mounted, can't be seen behind the rear view mirror, the cable was running down to the cigarette socket, but it will be run along the roof cloth down behind the dash when I have a chance to wire it in properly during the week!

Quick video, I had just fitted it so I presume it hadn't picked up any GPS coordinates for speed display

I also got a set of C spanner's, thanks to Keith, during the week to adjust the coilover's,
I went at them yesterday after work, but got caught out by the dark, so didn't get as much time as I wanted to mess around with them, but they are around 15mm lower all round than they were before, fairly happy, but might go a bit lower again, with the baby in the car, it won't be going silly low though, here's a few pic's of how it's sitting today.

Will drop it another 10mm during the week, that's all for now!!