So here are some results of my first tests. They have all been exported as High (not Max) quality and Large (not Full) size. My comments are below each pic. Your comments are invited.

^ First ever pic and on EXR point-and-shoot, auto-everything mode.
Excellent balance and natural lighting with good depth of field. Pass.

^ General grab shot on EXR Auto [please ignore subject!]
Natural lighting and well averaged exposure for the subject variations. Pass.

^ Excellent - Very pleased! Rich colour and great DOF and even good exposure of scene in distance out of far rear window. Pass+

^ Oh dear! Notice the pink although the red is okay on the bonnet.
Greens and foliage okay though. Fail.

^ Shooting the sunny side of the car results in pink! Not good! Fail!

^ I used to under expose on the F11 to kill the pinkiness.
This is a whole -1 stop and so I'll try -2thirds next and on the car. Pass.