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New Fuji F200 EXR - I just bought one....
--- Quote from: stealthwolf on May 30, 2009, 11:59:00 pm ---
^^^I can just imagine you modding the camera with strips of CF! :grin:
--- End quote ---
....Now there's an idea!
How about using carbon vinyl? :evilgrin:
So here are some results of my first tests. They have all been exported as High (not Max) quality and Large (not Full) size. My comments are below each pic. Your comments are invited.
^ First ever pic and on EXR point-and-shoot, auto-everything mode.
Excellent balance and natural lighting with good depth of field. Pass.
^ General grab shot on EXR Auto [please ignore subject!]
Natural lighting and well averaged exposure for the subject variations. Pass.
^ Excellent - Very pleased! Rich colour and great DOF and even good exposure of scene in distance out of far rear window. Pass+
^ Oh dear! Notice the pink although the red is okay on the bonnet.
Greens and foliage okay though. Fail.
^ Shooting the sunny side of the car results in pink! Not good! Fail!
^ I used to under expose on the F11 to kill the pinkiness.
This is a whole -1 stop and so I'll try -2thirds next and on the car. Pass.
Top Cat:
--- Quote from: RedRobin on May 31, 2009, 09:17:56 pm ---
--- End quote ---
Robin whats with the orange and grey vinyl on your car, :chicken: i preferred yours when you had it red. :evilgrin:
And also why is there a chap doing a Mexican wave out of the sun roof on the car behind yours. :laugh:
That is the definition of Carbage! :laugh:
P.S. Lovin the return of the Tornado Pink GTI! :P
^^^^ :signLOL: :signLOL: :signLOL: :signLOL: :signLOL: :signLOL: Brilliant TC! A left and a right hook!
I knew I shouldn't have written "Your comments are invited"! Either that or I should have further qualified it by adding "except Top Cat and Greenouse" (and probably a few others!).
The guy in the 'Daddy' Tshirt is the owner and his missus turned up shortly afterwards with kid and fag in mouth. She was an extra large person too but I mustn't be a cruel fattist. He looked absolutely miserable, poor guy. I don't think he was even capable of imagining that his missus was Gwyneth Paltrow in the movie 'Shallow Hal' - You won't know what I'm talking about unless you've seen it.
The Mexican waving further back is a friend of mine - Ex Thames Valley Officer who used to drive the Jags back in the good old days before there was a 70 limit.
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