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New Fuji F200 EXR - I just bought one....

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--- Quote from: stealthwolf on June 01, 2009, 01:25:56 am ---
--- Quote from: RedRobin on June 01, 2009, 01:13:42 am ---Fire engines?
--- End quote ---

Do you have some kinda fire engine fetish we don't know about?  :grin:

--- End quote ---

....Only if it involves female fire fighters :evilgrin:

^ Your mission, stealth, is to capture redness ^


Further tests for pinkness, but selecting -0.67 EV under exposure : -

^ Extremely rich colour on a very sunny day - This is what's to be expected from under exposure.
Colours are true though - Good greens, stonework, and white in flag. Pass.

^ Shot towards the sun and delivers excellent overall exposure (Pattern metering) and also the subtle building colours in shade are impressive. Pass.

^ Under exposure EV of -0.67 is an improvement but still too pink where lit by direct strong sunlight.
You can see the difference in the shady parts on the driver's door which aren't pink. Fail.

So my conclusion is that any tendency towards over exposure turns Tornado Red towards pink. I'll be testing -1.0 EV next.

One excellent feature of this camera is that you can see the effect on exposure on your composed photo as you revise the EV setting on the fly. It also displays your EV setting clearly. So it makes getting it right for the individual subject much easier.

That church shot is fantastic RR. Shows off the camera beautifully.

If the weather's variable or sunny, I end up taking two or three shots at different exposures. More likely to hit the right one then.


I haven't applied any sharpness or any other filter to any of these test pics. The church shot is in P-mode with -0.67 and Pattern metering (default). The F200 automatically set it at 1/250, f/9.0 and ISO 100.

I prefer to try and get it right in just one shot if I can. This new Fuji can shoot continuous too.

So, how is your mission for redness progressing?

:evilgrin: :evilgrin:


^ I can't really fault this - A point 'n shoot grab shot from across the road between passing cars. One of those moments when you park, lock, walk off but glance back to perv.

EV -0.67, 1/220, f/12.0, 16mm zoom, ISO 200, Pattern metering, all on P-mode.
No filters/edits subsequently required.

Does it for me. £300 well spent and there's plenty more that I'll be able to shoot better than on my F11 with this very compact bit of kit.

:happy2: 8) :happy2:


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