Hey all,
well after deciding the work needed on my MK3GTI would be too expensive I sold it on to a nice chap off this board on Monday,
Started hunting for the MK5 I have wanted for quite some time, found one on autotrader about 60 miles away, looked nice, but owner would not knock a penny off the price, so left, then after looking at some well dodgy private ones, called them up, and made him an offer, £300 less than asking price and 6 months tax thrown in too...tidy.
Tesco said my loan should be with me by the Thursday, well Thursday came and went, and it was only when I checked the papers I realised they had put a wrong digit in the sort code, phoned them and they said it should be in by close of business today, meaning I could not pick it up til off work next Tuesday.
Well, at 4pm, the funds got in, so at 4.15 we were in the wifes car in rush hour traffic trying to get to the garage before it shut at 6pm, It was close, but:
Out with the old,

In with the new,

One with the wifes trusty VW

And the funniest car reg location iv seen on a reg plate

These pics were a bit rushed as only got home about 8pm, the cars nothing really special, 5 door, armrest, heated seats, and LOADS of other stuff which I have no idea how it works, but its mine, and its loved now. so a few basic mods, wheel refurb, coloured skirts to come, and it will be the bizness.