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Bird photography

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I've read the Kite is a very lazy bird and has a love for easy prey along with collecting strange shiny objects and storing them in their nests.

Its true... even thought they are classed as a bird of prey they are primarily scavengers.

Couple more after a bit of cropping..


--- Quote from: doylebros on November 16, 2013, 10:46:10 pm ---How did you manage to get that shot  :congrats:

Seeing them isn't difficult but photographing one relaxed wow!

--- End quote ---

Pure luck, saw him or her sitting on the fence grabbed the camera and to my amazement it completely ignored me whilst I took the picture. Bit of a regular visitor to our garden there's often a pile of feathers on the lawn from its victims, seen it a few times in action grabbing its prey.

Top Cat:
Just got back from the Cayo Islands and the variety of birds wherever you looked was amazing. They never stayed still for long as they were always fighting and chasing each other. I wish i could have snatched a bit more time taking pics without my son grabbing my attention.

Beautiful texture and couloirs on this Heron when close up.

IMG_6845 by T0P cat, on Flickr

IMG_6885 by T0P cat, on Flickr

This fella used to arrive every afternoon and would take a crab out of your hand if you were brave enough. He would also get dive bombed by some sort of peregrine falcon regularly which was less than half its size.

IMG_6927 by T0P cat, on Flickr

IMG_6948 by T0P cat, on Flickr

IMG_6950 by T0P cat, on Flickr

IMG_6952 by T0P cat, on Flickr

IMG_6989 by T0P cat, on Flickr

IMG_7110 by T0P cat, on Flickr

IMG_7120 by T0P cat, on Flickr

IMG_7262 by T0P cat, on Flickr

IMG_7249 by T0P cat, on Flickr

IMG_7281 by T0P cat, on Flickr

IMG_7294 by T0P cat, on Flickr

IMG_7304 by T0P cat, on Flickr

IMG_7305 by T0P cat, on Flickr

This Humming bird was virtually impossible for me to photograph, they are no bigger than your thumb and have the dexterity of a blue bottle. It was almost dark and I took about 50 shots of it without hardly any catching it in focus.   :sad1:

IMG_7278 by T0P cat, on Flickr


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