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Bird photography

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--- Quote from: PND on July 21, 2012, 08:54:32 pm ---Following on from my last thread, I recently bought a secondhand Canon EOS 500D off a work colleague.  I have since been out and about learning how to use it!  It is the first SLR I have ever owned so it's all new to me at the moment.

Here are some of my recent pics..

nice work

As you can see from the last photo of the kingfisher, I have quickly realised that I could do did with a bigger, better, longer lens! I knew when I bought it that the 75-300 kit lens was OK for starters, but wasn't great.  It is the non-IS version.  I have been looking at the Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM.  Anyone got experience of it?  Any other recommendations?  Up to £800-£900 to spend on secondhand..  It's going to be for wildlife and bird photography as I am really enjoying it.



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It's been a while since the last ones, so here are a few from yesterday now that the weather has finally improved!

Not too sure whether it is a willow warbler or chiffchaff, so if anyone knows better, please speak up!

Wren by Paul Deuble, on Flickr

Wren by Paul Deuble, on Flickr

Chiffchaff or Willow Warbler? or something else? by Paul Deuble, on Flickr

Chiffchaff or Willow Warbler? or something else? by Paul Deuble, on Flickr

Grey Heron by Paul Deuble, on Flickr

Whitethroat by Paul Deuble, on Flickr

Azure Damselfly by Paul Deuble, on Flickr

Not quite what I was expecting when I opened bird thread..


--- Quote from: Daltzz on July 12, 2013, 01:03:10 am ---Not quite what I was expecting when I opened bird thread..

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Ha.  Feathered variety only I'm afraid.

A few more recent ones..  Click on each one for full screen..

Kingfisher by Paul Deuble, on Flickr

Kingfisher by Paul Deuble, on Flickr

Kingfisher by Paul Deuble, on Flickr

Goldfinch by Paul Deuble, on Flickr

Goldfinch by Paul Deuble, on Flickr

Goldfinch by Paul Deuble, on Flickr

Well for my money the bird photography puts the vehicle photography to shame - some fantastic shots in this thread!

Thought this may be helpful to fellow members in helping them identify what there photographing by their trill?

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