Hi all, basically ive never had HIDs to any of the 3 cars ive owned but know a few people with them, mostly these are aftermarket kits which i think i need
Ive got a 06 plate GT TDI 140, and want some info on what type of kits or bulbs etc. i need
The only thing i know i want are 8k type of bulbs or a kit as i want a blue sort of tinge in the light - NOT a blue light just a slight tinge lol (i know people hate this)
As i havent got projector type of headlights (I think) what choices have i got so i dont blind other drivers:
1) buy projector type of lights (are these the GTI or R32 style or different as gti or r32 already have built in xenons lol) -

2) Buy a kit which has bulbs that dont blind others like the H7R from HIDs 4 U??
Any other options or opinions please