General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box

Members map

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By county like willzie said! :fighting2:


Hopefully if the forum does do a map, no matter how vague or general, I wouldn't have to be shown on it at all.

Poppa Dom:
Agreed - it would have to be an opt in map. I am sure many people on here wouldn't want details put on.


--- Quote from: RedRobin on June 01, 2009, 07:13:55 pm ---Hopefully if the forum does do a map, no matter how vague or general, I wouldn't have to be shown on it at all.

--- End quote ---

Any particular reason?

That little blob on my map is meant to be you, in cornwall/devon (coz I'm not sure where you're from) so I figured you like Cornish pasties.

You're wrong, stealth - On all counts! I really dislike Cornish Pasties too :sick:


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