Bloody hell, this is getting expensive.
Just spoke to the AA, reply went something like this:-
Both parts of driving Licence, all other relevant documents, ie V5 and MOT (must be original)
A sticker denoting what country you are from (does this refere to the car or the occupants

2 single use breathalysers (fine of €11 for not having 2),
4 jackets (must be all kept within reach of the occupants)
A least 1 triangle, (even the AA lady was not sure, def 2 for Spain she said)
Headlamp converter kit
spare bulbs,
a full first aid kit,
a fire extinguisher,
speed camera detectors must not be used (fine is upto €1500 if you have one, even not in use)
Oh and after you have been stopped, stripped searched, relieved of all your money, your car and all your possessions, they will still breatalise you with
THIER own bloody machine.
I only want to go to Honfleur for 3 days!!