All Things Mk5 > Members Rides

Golf 25th Anniversary GTI *** More pics added 1st June***

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--- Quote from: cuzmk5 on May 31, 2009, 12:38:50 pm ---luks sweet m8. reds the colour. dnt see many about in red. got any plans 4 her or just keeping it stock?

--- End quote ---

No Plans as yet! I will be spending my time cleaning and waxing!

That does look look a minter!  :happy2:

How long did you have the S3 again?  :rolleye:

matt a:

--- Quote from: Greenouse on May 31, 2009, 01:23:47 pm ---That does look look a minter!  :happy2:

How long did you have the S3 again?  :rolleye:

--- End quote ---

Not long, but he probably made a profit.  :confused:

The 25th anni was easily the best looking version of the mk4, and had the right amount of power.

Nice car  :happy2:

Best colour for an Anni too...

Phil Mcavity:
Great looking Motor John!!!. You have a great taste in colour, and to see a red Mk4 anni in that condition is Rare as Rocking horse droppings.

Great find and thats gota be a keeper. :happy2:


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