In an effort to understand and possibly repair any damage done, I've been reading back through this thread:
It's always nice to get such constructive feedback about a venue you've suggested, actually the 2nd venue I've suggested.
Obviously my choices aren't up to scratch so come on then boys where do you want to go? 
....Hedge, you seem to have interpreted what was simply a comment about the garlic bread to mean that people (or just myself) weren't happy with the Leather Bottle venue you had suggested - This is
NOT the case. As posted, myself and others really like the venue and are totally happy to continue there.
As Thor (and myself) posted, if anyone doesn't like something on the menu they simply don't have to order it. I don't like rice pudding but I wouldn't not go there just because it's on a menu.
Do what the f*ck you like boys I'm out.
....Obviously it's up to you to decide whether to attend or not but such a post worded like that is suggesting that you suddenly aren't coming just because of a comment about the garlic bread at the venue you had very helpfully suggested. The result of your post is that the meet has fallen apart just because of a moment you had of being over sensitive. We all have such moments occasionally of course and are much more sensitive than some women give us credit for.
Please correct me if you think I'm wrong.

I wasn't coming to the meet this time around anyway, so I have no interest in it still going ahead or not on August 23rd. But what does this debacle do for future meets in this neck of the woods?
As the organiser, Chris, what do you have to say about this?