That is really bad news mate.Did they say what could have caused it !!!!!!!!!!
.What year is the car please?.
Baffled mate as to the cause ???? Its a 2007 Ed30

First we took the front grills off and tried some gas through. (it was totally empty before we started)
We used the leak test spray but couldn't find, hear, or see anything around the condenser.
We got the car up on the ramps and removed the under body plastic guards (can't remember the proper name for it)

Thats when we saw the mess in the photo, and the cause of the leak.

The hole in the compressor casing is nearly the size of a 2 pence piece

The VAG specialists I use, have never known this happen before.
Anyone here seen it before??? :popcorn soda:
FFS mate, that's sh*te!:( Any idea on costs for this now? Bit scared to take mine in for diagnostics now!
The costs vary soooo much Matt.
An OEM one will cost £460+vat (cheapest)
An OE Spec one will cost £260+vat
An aftermarket one from ECP will cost £146+vat

So if I can't do any better, Ill get the one from EuroCarParts