It's not as easy to stop as people might think.
....I don't agree.
I stopped smoking... overnight.
I stopped drinking alcohol... overnight.
I stopped taking illegal drugs... overnight.
Keith Richards gave up heroin because he decided to give it up, for example. It's just a matter of making that decision which includes the decision to stick by your decision.
It's a matter of willpower. It's all in the mind.
It is VERY easy to STOP smoking "IF YOU WANT TO".
Whenever I start going out with someone who does not smoke I stop smoking (simple), but when I am going out with someone who does smoke or when I am single I will smoke, the reason is easy, i actually enjoy smoking.
Those who want to give up will do, those who enjoy smoking (some say Addiction is a state of mind) will not stop, all the aids the NHS can throw at you won't work unless you "Want it".
I have given up about 7 times in the 20 years, (having been a NON smoker for 8 of them in last 20yrs), I once stopped for 12 months for a £100 bet with a mate of mine.
I promised my mother last year I would stop smoking by the time i reach 40, you have to have a good reason to stop