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Author Topic: Blaupunkt THA 475 Installation  (Read 4953 times)

Offline black-a4

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Blaupunkt THA 475 Installation
« on: October 15, 2011, 09:27:41 am »
Hi guys,

I have just bought a Blaupunkt THA 475 PnP amp, to fit with my RNS510 and for the moment standard speakers!

I also have installed a kufatec plug n play MDI harness and a parrot Bluetooth harness, but hopefully going to change that to a vw Bluetooth module soon.

My question is what order should I be running these harnesses in from the headunit?!

Option 1: RNS510 - MDI - Amp - parrot kit - vw harness

Option 2: RNS510 - Amp - MDI - parrot kit - vw harness

Option 3: RNS510 - parrot - MDI - amp - vw harness

Or any other combinations?!

Ideally I want everything amped, or will it not matter where the plug and play amp harness goes?!

Any help really appreciated! As I hope to fit it this afternoon!

Offline MarkMarked

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Re: Blaupunkt THA 475 Installation
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2011, 03:22:13 pm »
You need to check each adaptor and see if all the 4 blocks are fully populated especially the two circled on the diagramn, I don't think the PnP hardness for the Amp is so that needs to go to the car side

If the MDI and Bluetooth adaptors are fully populated they need to go closest to the car

Option 1: RNS510 - MDI - Amp - parrot kit - vw harness - Won't  work

Option 2: RNS510 - Amp - MDI - parrot kit - vw harness - Won't work

Option 3: RNS510 - parrot - MDI - amp - vw harness - possible

Option 4 RNS510 - MDI - parrot - amp - vw harness - possible

Be aware that the more adaptors you have fitted the more of a risk of intermittent operation

If you are going to upgrade to the VW bluetooth, it will be worth modifying the MDI adaptor to install the extra wires into instead of having three adaptors fitted

Offline black-a4

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Re: Blaupunkt THA 475 Installation
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2011, 06:17:53 pm »
Thanks for the great reply!

I have just fitted it and decided to remove the parrot kit for now, to make it less complicated!
Wil take your advice, and probably try to integrate the vw Bluetooth within the existing MDI loom (when I get it!)

Offline Squeeguk

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Re: Blaupunkt THA 475 Installation
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2012, 02:47:58 pm »
Thread resurrection here. How did you get on in the end? Was the sound output much improved? Did you stick with the OEM speakers or upgrade those?

I am thinking of doing this and keeping the OEM speakers for the time being. Seems like the ideal solution to getting better sound out the speakers without running a whole load of extra cables, etc.

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Offline black-a4

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Re: Blaupunkt THA 475 Installation
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2012, 01:01:52 am »
Sorry for only responding to this now! Just back from holidays.

I've had no problems with it. It has helped the standard system certainly but could probably benefit from upgrading some of the speakers. For me it's ideal as I didn't want to go as far as upgrading speakers. I didn't think I'd be keeping the car, as long as I have though (if I'd known I may have upgraded speakers also).

It's very easy to install, and fits nicely under my passenger seat. VW also make a bracket and black plastic cover, which with a little modification it fits very nicely in. I'll probably have a mk6 as my next car and will happily bring this with me.

With an mp3 via SD card on the RNS via this amp - I really can't knock it.

Offline Squeeguk

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Re: Blaupunkt THA 475 Installation
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2012, 08:49:10 am »
Thanks for the feedback. Sounds like a really cost effective upgrade then, not requiring a DSP / line out converter unit to handle the line out job to the amp and an amp, along with all the associated wiring involved.

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Re: Blaupunkt THA 475 Installation
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2012, 07:38:07 am »
I bought one of these amps for use with the 510 and after wiring it all up at speaker level (you loose the fader if i remember correctly) decided it just didn't sound that good.

I have focals in the front and jl audios in the rear, so i decided to follow the my-gti advise and lower the output of the 510 to line level and feed this into the amp via the phons, fader came back and the sound is awesome, great amp, also has a set of phono outs so you can connect a sub through the amp to save you mucking around with phono splitters or other methods of adding a sub.
Loads of extra's and retro fits.