Right, now your being stupid. Since when did I compare a Supercar to a Merc Estate? Have you been taking lessons from the Iraqi information minister on twisting the truth!
All I have said is that I don't like Ferrari's, if I were to own one it would be a 458 and I would take an AMG Merc over any Ferrari. There is nowhere in any post that I have compared any of the cars.
Apart from the fact a couple of people are so narrow minded they don't understand we all have different tastes I don't see what is so hard to understand.
I've already said in my first post in this thread that I prefer Lamborghini's. If the thread title had been about those I would have flown to fantasy land and talked about an Aventador and Twin Turbo Gallardo.
But you seem to have this compunction to try an be clever every now and then. It doesn't wash with me and I can see straight through it. But hey ho you crack on and twist this post. No doubt I'll be comparing a Robin Reliant to an F1 car next