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Author Topic: What's your favourite Ferrari?  (Read 11627 times)


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Re: What's your favourite Ferrari?
« Reply #90 on: August 21, 2012, 03:29:53 pm »

TBH even the ethics or Porsche nowadays is debatable but thats progress for you I suppose.

....What do you mean by "even the ethics"?  :smiley:

i'm guessing models like the Cayenne and Panamera in their line up, rather than being a purist sports car builder. whilst i hate what the Cayenne and Panamera stand for, they have made Porsche much more profitable and hence have made the 911 and Boxster/Cayman some of the best (relatively) affordable sports cars on the planet

Nail on the head.

Ferrari have a habit of turning up with a full pit crew for group tests to make sure the car is running perfectly, do they supply that with the car?

They also like to say to magazines 'our car didn't do very well in the Car of the Year so next year we will not give you a car to review'

There is an open letter to ferrari from Chris Harris, which is why i suspect he no longer works for EVO but I can't find it.

Its a shame because they do make a good sports car.


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Re: What's your favourite Ferrari?
« Reply #91 on: August 21, 2012, 03:30:37 pm »
Neither here nor there ill take an F40 still. :signLOL:

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Re: What's your favourite Ferrari?
« Reply #92 on: August 21, 2012, 04:36:19 pm »

TBH even the ethics or Porsche nowadays is debatable but thats progress for you I suppose.

....What do you mean by "even the ethics"?  :smiley:

Should have said 'of' Porsche, Ill change it.

....Sorry, I wasn't trying to pull you up on your use of English. In ignorance, what are "the ethics of Porsche"?  :smiley:

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Re: What's your favourite Ferrari?
« Reply #93 on: August 21, 2012, 04:53:07 pm »
What sub39h said really, making cars for the masses yet claiming they are still in the game by making the odd GT3RS etc etc.

I do like Porsches over Ferrari although my interest has eased off slightly recently as even the '911' has gone en mass!

I lean more towards the Classic Porsche and have been a subscriber to said magazine since the beginning.

Its a sign of the times Robin, money, and how much can one possible make. Guilty of it myself TBH.

Lottery win would be mainly Aircooled VW and Porsche.

I tell you what though RR, that GT3 RS4.0 was a bit nice :love:

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Re: What's your favourite Ferrari?
« Reply #94 on: August 21, 2012, 05:08:26 pm »
"Volks Wagen" meaning "People's Car" has surely but slowly eroded since Mr Hitler got together with Mr Porsche. Furthermore, UK import duties etc have also contributed to Volkswagen products no longer being cars that the average person can afford to buy. Being German too, the mentality is different and they generally manufacture to higher standards and that costs more.

Personally, I don't have a problem with car production ethics - It's simply a question of A) do I like it and B) can I afford it? Regardless of whether others call it good value for money etc. If I could afford either a modern Ferrari or a modern Porsche (would have to have flappy paddles!), I'd be very happy with either - There's a good range to choose from in either case. Just the small matter of not having the money! It would cost about £35k a year to run a F12 Ferrari if you were regularly enjoying driving it.

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Re: What's your favourite Ferrari?
« Reply #95 on: August 21, 2012, 05:11:37 pm »
Your right RR and I would have a Mclaren if I had the money.

Keep it British.

Proper car that.

I think I know what you are going to say next :popcornsoda:

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Re: What's your favourite Ferrari?
« Reply #96 on: August 21, 2012, 05:16:48 pm »

I think I know what you are going to say next :popcornsoda:

....But not even I know what I'm going to say next!  :laugh: (you're not my ex-wife are you!?)

But I would take great pleasure from owning and driving a McLaren - Yet another great car amongst that genre.

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Re: What's your favourite Ferrari?
« Reply #97 on: August 21, 2012, 05:19:42 pm »
I stand corrected, I was expecting a 'some of it is made in the EU so not technically British'?

I think the tub is made in Holland?

I can't remember.

Its a bit like the block on the Bugatti is made here as apparently we cast and machine the best in the world.


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Re: What's your favourite Ferrari?
« Reply #98 on: August 21, 2012, 05:25:24 pm »
Yep, motor industry manufacturing and marketing is now a very international arena.

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