General > New Member Intro's
Hey there
Hey there my name is Sugen and I'm from sunny S.A.
I have been on your forum for a week now and quite enjoy it there is a wealth of info as well as some crazy guys with a shed load of mods.
Anyways my current car is an '06 Golf V Gti, will post up some pics soon.
helloo and welcomes :smiley: :happy2:
Welcome along matey :driver:
Top Cat:
Welcome to the forum Sugen, i think you are our third south African member now.
Could you get me some world cup tickets please and put me up for a fortnight, while i am there, you may as well lend me your GTI to run around in while your at it. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
:signLOL: @ TC
Welcome Sugen :drinking:
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