Now let's NOT get onto religion 
religion dismissed in five words, just five though.
LOSS OF STATUS THROUGH CAPITALISATION. used by the greeks and romans, and still today, to keep their slaves in check and the illusion of freedom. Jesus was a legal fiction. the earliest version of the bible had his name capitalised throughout. Same with every religion out there.
a legal fiction is referred to as a person, a mr, a mrs, a sir, doctor and defendant. only exists on paper and no where else. check your government sponsored ID's. YOUR NAME WILL ALWAY APPEAR IN CAPITAL LETTERS! THIS IS YOUR LEGAL FICTION!

Where do you get/dream up this tosh?

People are entitled to have their own beliefs (or unbeliefs) in whatever faith they choose, without having others trying to ram their opinions/theories down their throats. I happen to be a Christian and find your posts extremely offensive. Leave off-topic posts out of this thread (preferably off the forum). If you feel the need to express your faith in something (or the opposite) start your own topic.
If you have a problem with this post, kindly PM me, don't spam up this thread.