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My MK5 GTI...Wheel update.

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Yeah, I really like that colour. :happy2:

Looking forward to seeing them on the car.  :happy2:

Should look the business when fitted.  Mind and put the 8" wheels on the back!  :laugh:

love the bbs, i'm thionking about picking up a set of the cheapish replicas to put on my A3.

matt a:
Thanks for the replies everyone.  :happy2:

--- Quote from: SteveTDCi on May 25, 2009, 01:16:20 pm ---love the bbs, i'm thionking about picking up a set of the cheapish replicas to put on my A3.

--- End quote ---

Have a look on Ebay for the Audi A3 BBS CH (7.5") as you can get them from £45-£60 up to £160+ per wheel, and at least they're genuine!  :happy2:


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