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New, possibly buying Pirelli
Also forgot to say that there is going to be another price increase from Ford. At the moment I think it is just the RS, he said about £600 pounds increase from 1st July. All told the increase takes the standard car up to £26,300 ish. Never had a call back from either dealer today, obviously too busy selling cars to have the good manners to ring me and say no thanks.
--- Quote from: paddy on June 05, 2009, 08:57:30 am ---Cash. Not many Pirellis about that are new and the 2nd hand ones are quite dear.
Again thanks for the welcomes.
--- End quote ---
Paddy i was toying with selling the roc and getting a second Pirelli (gave up as wanted a graphite blue 3 door), second hand at stealers are serious money at moment as they have woken up, a few good deals on un reg though
Proper money
Any news today Paddy? :smiley:
Nothing so far. Don't know if it is a game they play but really annoyed to have no calls from either of the dealers to accept or turn the offer down. I hate people who say they will ring back and then don't. Makes me think if they are that unprofessional what trouble will I have if I have a problem with the car.
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