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New, possibly buying Pirelli

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Hello and welcome Paddy :)

Hope you get a call that is so unprofessional. I called for a Altea for the wife had a good trade in they said call you back with a price and they didn't. Makes you think they can't be bothered to earn the crust.

I rang Robinsons about 2 hours ago to speak to the sales woman, she was busy so left a message with reception. No call. So rang again an hour later she was still busy so left another message.

Hello mate, hopefully you can get a deal sorted on a Pirelli, I love mine and there's plenty more power/handling potential in the car to come. I got a brand new un-reg Pirelli 2-ish months ago, lower spec than your 1st choice car, but I got 11% off list price offered v.quickly and took it, so it's worth pushing for the right deal as there are still these un-reg 'old model' ;)  cars lurking in VW dealer stock!

Am sure the RS is awesome to drive but, having seen one on the road today, it looks pretty chavvy. Although at the time I was tailgating my old Mk 4 R32 Golf, which I haven't seen since the day I part ex'd it 5 years ago, and so the RS only got a fleeting glance!

welcome along here mate. i really would get the RS and sell it on. trouble is, would you find a similar spec pirelli intime or be able to get them both?

I am still looking for a Pirelli or Ed 30 but I will definately be getting the RS. I haven't decided whet to do with it yet but I will buy it.



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