Bit of an update....
The car goes in next week for it's re-spray after the scratch damage on the rear door from a vandal. some other bits may well get colour coded at the same time to cheer me up!

Also next week the R will have the intake changed to a larger one with a larger MAF housing. This is to incorporate the upgrade maps that will go on by GIAC onto the new switchloader I'm getting....
A. Valet mode - for when anyone apart from Statllers has it.
B. GIAC Extreme pump map - for when I'm on normal 99ron fuel
C. GIAC Extreme race map - for when I'm running WMI and/or race fuel.
The GIAC Race map has seen R's with DSG using it into the 11's on the 1/4 mile with just WMI, so WMI and race fuel should be "interesting"
I think my next update may well be upgrade clutchpacks!