Looks great there John, are you planning on having the WMI controlled by the Eboost?
I need to get the LPFP sorted and get some stable numbers then i plan on having the WMI controlled by my Eboost 
The WMI is now controlled though the controller Jake

I already have the RS3 LPFP fitted, so now everything is on the car ready to have a Loba upgrade myself.
I think I will go for the L0400 first as I've always said that a fast spooling 400bhp 4WD DSG car would be ideal and user friendly in the real world. The L04XX is a great turbo and spools reasonably well, but the L0400 spools quicker than a stock K04 and will give me the 400bhp I crave.

Just the turbo, injectors and a map revision and Robert is your mothers brother.