I'm considering WMI you have this kit don't you?
Did you fit it yourself or get stallers to? Where did you put the activation sensor and where do you inject? I have the BSH/Revo throttle pipe so there are 2 ports I could use there? Or is there somewhere better?
Sorry for all the questions, but I know your the man for meth :)
Statllers did the install, but if you have the time and skill it isn't a hard kit to fit, just takes time.
The boost tap for the toggle switch was done off the end of the intake manifold where the cap off is for my PCV blank and I have a Revo boost tap at that point to plumb into.
The toggle switch is easily accessible in the small glovebox just below the right hand side of the steering column on my R.
I inject on the lower of the two ports in my BSH throttle pipe. The lower one is better as it passes the sensor to detect the cooling given by the evaporation of the spray and gives it time to mix thoroughly before going into the manifold.
Some people recommend having the throttle spacer and inject at that point, but I don't believe that you'd get as good a mixture and hence less benefit.